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Wednesday 11 December 2019

The Productivity Triangle - A Simple Framework For Getting Productivity Right

The road to productivity is not always smooth even when we are equipped with an arsenal of a range of productivity tools. There will  always be instances when productivity tools will fail to do the job for us (boost our productivity) and leave us at crossroads. During this state of confusion, the most important thing we need to do is to curb our tendency to fall prey to self-doubt or engage in dismissing the capability of the tool(s). Rather, this is the moment to brood over whether we are implementing productivity in the right manner i.e. in a holistic way and not in isolation (under the influence of some assumption(s)). The most basic assumption that we fall prey to us is that a framework is not essential for becoming productive and all that we need to do is to fit in the missing pieces (productivity tools)  and "lo and behold", we will be enroute super productivity !

(Related Post : Beating The Productivity Paradox )

Well, life does not operate on assumptions and if becoming productivity was as simple as picking up
a tool and implementing it, then we wouldn't be discussing about productivity being a holistic concept. Randomly handpicking a tool/ a set of tools to address the productivity gaps is not enough and that would never give us adequate and appropriate results. The need for a basic structure/ framework productivity arises due to the fact that our choices (related to productivity) could have far reaching impact on an individual's life and personality. The presence of a basic framework will ensure that "right effort is put on the right thing(s) at the right time".  

Here's a simple and easy-to-use Productivity Framework, called the "Productivity Triangle", to ensure the following:
  • a proper understanding of the key impact elements of productivity 
  • building of a holistic perspective in us,  towards productivity 
  • taking the right approach to address productivity appropriately 

Let's look at the elements and application of the Productivity Triangle/ Framework
  • SELF - This refers to the individual and his/ her existing capability, more of a status-quo check.
  • TASK - This refers to the identified activities that need to be focused upon
  • TIME - This refers to the total time available for finishing the identified tasks 
For getting the Productivity right, it's important to understand how each of the above relates to the process of effective productivity. 

When we talk about SELF, it's essential to do a personal status-quo to understand one's strengths and weaknesses (SWOT Analysis helps in this case) so that effort that gets put in by the individual 
commensurates with his/ her available resources(s). At any point, every individual possess certain competencies, skills and knowledge which make up the existing "resource toolkit" for the individual. A "Know Our Self" activity gives an insight about these available resources and also sets the limit for us in terms of defining our scope of control. Attempting to execute a task that requires skill or knowledge beyond our existing set of capabilities would prove to be quite detrimental for our productivity as it will only lead to an unsuccesssful attempt. Please note, that the concept of "Self" extends to include teams, groups and organisations also, based on the context.

Talking about TASK, a wrongly attempted task would lead to expending our effort and resource but with no conducive result. At times, we may focus on a task that's easier to attempt but may not be the one that should be on priority. So, getting to know more about the TASK helps in picking the appropriate one that will impact our life positively and progressively, thereby improving our productivity. There are times, when we tend to pick up a task (from our to-do list) just because it  seems easier to complete or at other times, pick up a task randomly, without any consideration to its importance in the scheme of things at that point of time. Prioritising tasks leads to better productivitybecause we have a limited reserve of energy and focusing energy on the right tasks will yield better results.

Lastly, i talk about TIME, which is another important element but which happens to be a limited resource. If Productivity is Efficiency, then Time is the deciding factor because a general notion is that the more we accomplish in a defined time duration, the more efficient a.k.a productive we would be. The productivity challenge, in context of time, lies in either incorrectly calculating the required time duration for a task or the inability to give uninterrupted time to the task. Inability to manage time adversely affects productivity. 

Steps to effectively implement the productivity triangle

  • Whenever faced with a productivity challenges, identify the element to be addressed, whether it's Self, Task or Time
  • Once the element is identified, it's time to identify the challenge/ issue pertinent to that element. The challenge could even be related to multiple elements, which then needs to be addressed appropriately
  • If the challenge is related to SELF, take a stock of resources needed to accomplish the task and then about the existing ability of the individual. If it matches, then go ahead with executing the task and if a gap exists, then it makes sense to upgrade that identified competency, skill or knowledge. Doing a SWOT Analysis helps in identifying our strengths and weaknesses
  • If the challenge is related to TASK, then ensure to prioritise the tasks and then work on the top most priority item. Using the tools like Pareto Principle, Eisenhower Matrix, 5/25 Rule helps in setting the right priority.
  • If the challenge is related to TIME, then check whether a correct estimation of time needed for the task has been done or not. Once estimation is in place, then make use of tools like Pomodoro, Timeboxing to ensure giving undivided attention to the task that needs to be completed.   
Let right productivity approach take precedence over productivity tools !

N.B. : The images used in this post are sourced from internet


  1. Great post and you had explained all three elements of productivity triangle very well here. I agree prioritising tasks is one of the most important steps and during routine life we often make mistake while doing it. thanks for reminding us. this step will surly help in boosting productivity.

    1. thanks for your comments. Prioritisation is the perhaps the key to effective time management and can help us achieve more for our effort

  2. I just work on priority basis and never procrastinate.Seems to be working for me. Productivity triangle sounds great b ut I think I cannot adopt all these methods now :p

    1. I am sure when the time is right, you would use this tool and find it super useful

  3. The three main points hit the nail on the head exactly! Great ideas for problem solving as always!

    1. Thanks and glad you found it useful for problem solving too :)

  4. Very informative and interesting approach to productivity, yet again. I am amazed at the different methods you advocate for productivity. I have never given this topic much thought and I'm enjoying being educated about it.
    Noor Anand Chawla

    1. Thanks for your nice comments. The idea behind carrying out this series on "productivity" is to enable us to build all the possible perspectives to productivity to make it super easy for us to address it :)

  5. Another wonderful and very helpful post Narinder ! I'm going to share your productivitu triangle with one of my friends too

    1. Thanks for your encouraging comments and happy to note that you found it useful :)

  6. Another helpful, easy and amazing post from you. Its so lovely how you give simple and effective tips to increase productivity. I must use these and do things better. thanks
