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Friday 4 October 2019

Productivity in a matter of (5) Seconds !

Do you remember how many times you let go of life-transforming opportunities because of a want of action ? Those moments when just a single "inside push (motivation)" from you could have changed the things for better and made your doubts, fears and worries disappear ! 

Try and recollect 

  • That resolution of yours to get up early to exercise/ meditate but then letting laziness take over
  • that intent to imbibe a new positive habit in self but not supplementing the intent with action,
  •  that chance/ risk to make life better but preferring to stay in the comfort zone !

The examples are plenty and all they point to is that it's just a matter of "few seconds" that can make all the difference. If utilised well, these "few seconds" could move us from a static state to a state of action and onto the road to high productivity ! 

Here's sharing about 5 Second Rule (5-4-3-2-1) rule by Mel Robbins and this rule is all about how "five seconds" could turn out to be life changing for us if we can push ourself to take action in the right direction. The rule states that we just get a window of 5 seconds to act on our instinct of doing something we want to and if we don't act within these 5 seconds then hesitation kicks in and excuses take over our brain.

The 5-second rule is very simple to apply - Whenever you get an urge/ instinct to do something that you know you should do, then count backwards from 5 to 1, like 5-4-3-2-1, and just do it (take action). 

Mel has provided the following definition for the 5-second rule "If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it"
The 5 elements of the rule are nicely explained by Mel and i touch upon them, briefly, below:  

First: “The moment you have an instinct…” 

The "instinct" is defined as the the urge, pull or "gut feeling" which tell us to go or not to go for something. It's that guiding "inner voice/ wisdom"

Second: “To act on a goal…”

Being aware of our goal(s) ensures that we take actions to achieve them. Tie/ Align the "gut feeling" or "instinct" to a goal of your life to get the necessary motivation/ inspiration for taking action.

Third: “You must push yourself…”

However hard the things may be, but if we need to take control of our life, we need to push ourselves out of our comfort zone. 

Fourth: “To move within 5 seconds…”

When we get the 5-second opportunity, it's important that we take some positive and progressive action in the direction of our goal. If we don't take any action within those 5 seconds, then our brain is gonna take control and kill the thoughts of action. Even a small, tiny action within these 5 seconds will matter a lot.

Fifth: “Or your brain will kill it.”

Hesitation, Confusion, Overthinking on our part sends a signal to the brain that things are not okay. This leads the brain to go into a defensive mode, compelling us to move into an "inaction" mode.

For a detailed explanation on the five elements of 5-second rule, please refer to this wonderful article by Mel herself -

Science behind 5-second rule 

Prefrontal cortex is the area of the brain that is related to things like decision making, planning, and cognitive functions. The 5-second rule has direct relation with the pre-frontal cortex. When we start applying the 5-second rule (start taking action within those 5 seconds), we start taking control of our life and turn on the pre-frontal cortex too. I am not detailing the science behind the 5-second rule because Mel has detailed it our wonderfully in her article at

Recommended Reading - The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

Ted Talk by Mel Robbins

Just 5-4-3-2-1-GO ! and let more productivity flow ! 


  1. This is such a positive post, I was really in need to read something like this. Glad I visit your website today.

    1. Thanks for your comments and happy to know that you found the post useful :)

  2. I really like the way you have penned this down. The best thing to read first thing in the morning.

    1. Thanks for the nice comments :)
      So glad that you found thepost inspiring

  3. So true. Those 5 seconds decide if i am cooking or we are ordering;). Wonderful analysis.

    1. thanks :)
      these 5 seconds could really turn out to be transforming for us !

  4. This is such an amazing way to see purpose & productivity in life; fabulous analysis & well comprehended

    1. indeed, the 5 second rule could really launch us into a high productivity state and on road to success and achievement

  5. Thanks for sharing this informative post.I was wondering couple of days how to overcome my procrastination and augment my productivity. As if my
    worries were answered the moment I read it. Thanks once again.

    1. Thanks for your wonderful comments and so happy to note that the post was helpful to you :)
